

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sun Aug 28 2016 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Lake Ahquabi State Park
Indianola, IA


Bruce Brown & Bob Matthews


Mountain Biking

Distance - 6.5 mile laps

2016 Season Finale Race, Series Awards, and Series Party!!!!

Course Description

The 6.5 mile loop includes a trip around Lake Ahquabi’s multi-use trail with additional sections that include backwood trails. You will encounter gravel, dirt, roots, ruts, grass, logs, wooden bridges, climbs, fast descents, and the best nature has to offer on this scenic course. The loop will be the perfect test of one’s fitness with all of the full throttle speed and all of the climbing, but will not be technical in nature to scare off the entry level racer. In fact, this will be a perfect venue for first timers and experts alike. 

Come and join the fun!

IMBCS #10 Lake Ahquabi State Park XC Race - August 28th, 2016

On Sunday, August 28th, 2016 the Iowa Mountain Bike Championship Series heads south to Lake Ahquabi State Park. This will be the 9th year of The Mullet Fall Classic mountain bike race, and was voted in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 as the best mountain bike race in Iowa by Momentum Magazine!!! 

The new category of race added several years ago - the Marathon - will be back. Marathon Junkies will race in our very own Iowa version of riding in circles until the clock stops featuring a solo Marathon Open Class as they grind it out for as many miles as they can do before the clock says stop. Also back for 2016 will be a 10K Trail Run race at 9:30 AM!!!

4 Cool Things for 2016:

1. Fat Bike Division - one for Men & one for Women

2. Kids Race (kids 10 and under). 
A short loop, non-competitive fun event that features treats for all after crossing the line. Kids Race will be at 3:30 p.m. 

3. Chip Timing is BACK!!! That means immediate results will be posted and awards ceremony will actually take place in a reasonable time this year.

4. 10K Trail Run Race at 9:30 AM for those who like to get their sneakers dirty!

The Mullet Fall Classic Mountain Bike Race 
will feature the 4 Hour Marathon (the marathon race starts at 11:00 a.m. and any lap begun before the clock hits 3:00 p.m. can be completed and counts!!!), and of course, the usual 2016 IMBCS XC race categories of CAT I Men (4 laps), Comp and CAT I Women (3 laps), CAT II Sport (2 laps), CAT III (1 lap), and Juniors (1 lap) to battle for the Mullet Classic Fall podium spots in their respective XC race categories. Fat Bikes will do 2 laps, and the Kids Race will be a short course near the Beach Area.

This is Iowa's very own backwoods, super fast, fat tire XC race held on a course loop that rolls on the multi-use cross country ski, snowmobile, and hiking trail that circles Lake Ahquabi. This year features a bit different 6.5 mile race loop that utilizes backwood sections of the wooded trails throughout Lake Ahquabi State Parkto make for a scenic race filled with unique challenges.

The 6.x mile loop includes a trip around Lake Ahquabi's multi-use trail with additional sections that include backwood trails. You will encounter gravel, dirt, roots, ruts, grass, logs, wooden bridges, climbs, fast descents and the best nature has to offer on this scenic course. The loop will be the perfect test of one's fitness with all of the full throttle speed and all of the climbing, but will not be technical in nature to scare off the entry level racer. In fact, this will be a perfect venue for first timers and experts alike. Come and join the fun!

Start/Finish area in front of the Beach Shelter. 

RACE DAY SCHEDULE: (Start time schedule and entry feesmay change - so check back. 9:30 a.m. start for the 10K Trail Run Race; 11:00 a.m. start for the Marathon racers; 1 p.m. for all IMBCS XC category racers, with categories starting in waves)

10K Trail Run - 9:30 AM (registration opens at 8:30 and closes 15 minutes prior to the Trail Run Start)

Open Marathon Category Men Solo/Women Solo/Tandem Bike (prizes: cash pay out for top 3 in Marathon Men's Solo and Women's Solo categories) - 11:00 as many laps as you can fit into the time allotment!! When the clock hits 3:00 p.m., no more new laps may begin. However, if your final lap started before the clock hit 3:00 p.m. - it counts and winners will be those with the most laps done. That means the winning times for the cash will be closer to 4:00+ hours.

CAT 1 Expert Men/ - 1:00 pm (prizes: age class awards and cash payout prizes for overall in Expert Men) - 4 laps

CAT 1 Women's Open - 1:02 pm (age class awards and cash payout prizes for overall in Expert Women's) 3 laps

COMP Men's Class - 1:04 pm (prizes: age class awards and cash payout prizes for top 3 overall winners)

CAT 2 Sport Men/Sport Women - 1:06 pm/1:08 pm (age class awards and cash payouts for top 3 overall winners) 2 laps

FAT BIKES - 1:06 pm for men/1:08 pm for women (prizes for winners) 2 laps

CAT 3 Beginner Men/Beginner Women/Junior - 1:10 pm/1:12 pm/1:14 pm (cash payouts for top 3 overall and awards for age class winners) 1 lap

Kids Race (age 10 and under) - 3:30 p.m. (medals and treats for all)

Awards Ceremony/Prizes/Post Race Party: All category results will be posted in a reasonable amount of time by the Elvish Consulting electronic timing company. Final results of the CAT 2/Comp/CAT 1 Expert at the completion of the CAT 1 race. Final results of the Marathon at the completion of the Marathon. All others when ready.

*Race Director reserves the right to combine, or alter prizes based on the number of participants if need be.

Registration is online, and closes on Saturday, August 28th at 6pm.

We strongly urge everyone to use online registration as it helps us in preparing the bike numbers with the respective category tags for such a large group of racers - which is very time consuming.

Race Day Registration begins at 8:30am and closes at 9:00 for the Trail Run; 10:30 am for the Marathon and 12:30 for those that do not, for some reason, register online. Again, we strongly urge you to register online to help streamline the data entry that must be done for the timing plates. Thanks!

Entry Fee: *$10-40 range

10K Trail Run - $15 Pre-Registtraion/$20 Day of Race

Marathon - $33 Pre-Registration/$38 Day of Race Registration

Expert Cat I - $33 Pre-Registration/$38 Day of Race Registration

Comp Cat II - $28 Pre-Registration/$33 Day of Race Registration

Sport Cat II - $28 Pre-Registration/$33 Day of Race Registration

FAT BIKES - $28 Pre-Registration/$33 Day of Race Registration

Juniors 18 & Under - $0 Pre-Registration/$0 Day of Race Registration

Beginner Cat III - $23 Pre-Registration/$28 Day of Race Registration

Kids Race (ages 10 and under) - Free Entry Pre-Registration/Free Day of Race

Lake Ahquabi State Park is five miles south of Indianola (17 miles south of Des Moines) on Hwy. 65/69 and one mile west on G-58. Enter Lake Ahquabi State Park through the main entrance where G-58 ends and the entrance gate is located at the 4 way stop. Parking and registration will be at the Lake Ahquabi Beach Shelter (once you enter the park, follow the road all the way down the hill to the beach area). We will use the Beach Shelter for the day of the race and restrooms (Porta Potties) will be located there as well.

YOUR IMBCS Lake Ahquabi State Park XC RaceDirectors/Promoters:
Bruce Brown, Bob Matthews

More Information:



Lake Ahquabi State Park

16510 118th Ave
Indianola, IA 50125




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