

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Jun 01 2013 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


RRVT Trailhead downtown Perry
Perry, IA


Raccoon River Valley Trail Association/Dallas County Conservation


What a great weekend for the North Loop Grand Opening!

750 + cyclists, community member and trail lovers made their way to Perry for the Grand Opening Celebration.

Cyclists began showing up around 9 am with a steady stream until past 2pm. At noon Chuck Offenburger, Mike Wallace, keynote speaker Kevin Cooney and a few others spoke before a signage parade and a ribbon cutting.

Cyclists rode by in both directions all day long. The rain held off until around 4 pm when 2 brief showers hit. We stayed dry, and we hope you did too!

Great Times! This loop is another major accomplishment of what Iowa is the Trails Capital of the World!

Here are the photos we took.'s Raccoon River Valley Trail "North Loop" Grand Opening's Raccoon River Valley Trail "North Loop" Grand Opening photoset



Distance - Unknown

The new town of Perry on the new "north loop" of the Raccoon River Valley Trail will host the Grand Opening celebration of the new loop on Saturday, June 1, which is also National Trails Day.  Special ceremonies will be held at 12 noon at the trailhead in downtown Perry.  Bicyclists are urged to ride to Perry from locations all over the fully-completed RRVT, which will now be an 89-mile paved trail system, with an interior 72-mile loop.

The RRVT north loop is a 33 mile addition to the nationally acclaimed Raccoon River Valley Trail which was established in 1989. The addition creates a 72 mile loop trail and brings the total miles of the RRVT to 89. This 72 mile loop is considered the Longest Paved Loop Trail in the Nation. It connects 4 counties and 14 communities as well as tying into the Des Moines-metro trail network.


Schedule of Events

(All events at Perry Trailhead, downtown Perry)

9:00 a.m.

  • Poker Ride Starts—Best 5 card poker hand wins. Cards available at Waukee, Dallas Center, Minburn, Perry, Forest Park Museum, North Raccoon River Bridge west of Perry, Dawson, and Jamaica. Poker hands due back in Perry by 12:30 p.m.
  • Food/ Vendors—Food, drink available from area vendors, displays

10:00 a.m.

  • Bike Rodeo—Sponsored by the Dallas County Sheriffs Department
  • DJ Music— Music DJ at Trailhead
  • Bike generator demonstration—Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
  • Register Team Bus Contest— deadline is 11:30 a.m.
  • Register Team members contest—deadline 11:30 a.m.
  • Register Best costume contest—deadline 11:30 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

  • RRVT Mascot Photos—Get your picture taken with the RRVT Mascot

12:00 Noon

  • Grand Opening Ceremonies
  • Parade of Flags—RRVT Flags from each trail community
  • Master of Ceremonies—Chuck Offenburger
  • Keynote Speaker— “Kevin Cooney”
  • Contest winners—Announce winners of contests

1:00 p.m.

  • Poker Ride winners announced

Enjoy the Raccoon River Valley Trail!


Ride on the Raccoon River Valley Trail. Ride on your own, or partcipate in the Poker Ride


RRVT Trailhead downtown Perry

1050 Willis Ave
Perry, IA 



Free, although there will be charges for food and refreshments. There will be live music.  There will be contests for best costume, bicycle club with most members riding in jerseys, best team bus, and more! The whole event is being planned to have the feel of a festival in a RAGBRAI town!


Who Posted



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We will be there Chuck!!

#2 - Clovis posted Feb 24, 2013

Dam2Dam is this day too :(

#1 - solsen300 posted Jan 16, 2013

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