

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sun Sep 21 2003 10am - 2p


Mt Vernon, IA
Cedar Rapids, IA


Doug Raplinger


Charity Ride

Distance - 15 miles roundtrip, but the ride may be extended to nearby towns

Howard is Pedal-Powered! Join us in our Linn County Bike-a-Thon for Democratic Presidential candidate Howard Dean! On Sunday, Sept. 21st, we will be having a Linn County Bike-a-Thon to raise money for Governor Howard Dean's campaign. Governor Dean first entered politics in an effort to build a bike trail in his community. the rest has become legendary as Gov Dean has galvanized grassroots across the nation and moved from politicla outsider to frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. Bush may be able to raise 1 million in a night with 500 dollar tickets, but we're going to show Iowa-and the rest of the country-what grassroots can do with a couple of bicycles. Goal: $2,000 Course: From Hitter's ballpark in Cedar Rapids to Mount Vernon, IA for a House Party BBQ It's a leisurely 15 miles ride along old Lincoln Highway. Iowans for Dean T-Shirts will be available at start of the ride for just $10 For Non-Bikers: ANYONE can participate in this event--whether you bike or not. We'll need people to help organize, to drive cars, to cook food for the potluck... Questions How are we going to raise money? Bikers will be expected to find a sponsor. (Or two or three!) There are forms for your sponsors fill out, and we'll provide those if you need them. However, the BEST WAY to do this is through the website-it's the most convenient for everyone. If you don't want to bike, consider sponsoring a biker, or making a contribution. Who can participate? Everyone! Students, teachers, Meetup members, friends-we just ask that the bikers be at least high-school age. Children are welcome to the potluck afterwards, and we'll have transportation for your child if you want to bike. Hey, I don't live in Linn County-can I still participate? Of course! The more the merrier! Is there a registration fee? No, but this is a fundraiser. We ask that everyone try to raise money for the campaign-either through your own contribution or a sponsor. If you have any other questions, please let us know. See you September 21st! Contributions to Dean for America are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.


Cedar Rapids to Mt Vernon and back


Mt Vernon, IA

Hitters Sports Park, Mt Vernon Rd and Hwy 13 SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403



Just call to register, 319-209-0826


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