
  • Sun May 29 2005
  • Posted May 29, 2005
BETTENDORF - The city of Eldridge will receive more than $53,000 for recreational enhancements in the Scott County Regional Authority's Spring 2005 grant cycle. The SCRA on Tuesday awarded 104 grants totaling over $2.4 million. In the latest grant cycle, Eldridge will receive $28,779 for facility enhancements at Sheridan Meadows Park, and another $24,500 for its First Street Bike Path. In addition, the city's fire department was awarded $9,884 for new equipment. North Scott Community School District is a big winner, as well, having been awarded $67,720 for a Web-based student information system. Both the Maysville and Walcott volunteer fire departments will receive $35,000 grants to replace their tankers, while LeClaire Fire and Rescue has $21,200 earmarked for replacement of protective clothing and pagers. The city of LeClaire also receives $9,843 for erosion control in Scout Park. Other highlights include $16,250 to Buffalo for a storm warning siren; $10,000 for new equipment to the Dixon Volunteer Fire Dept.; $13,321 for a new auditorium sound system for the Durant Community School District; $63,309 for equipment for Scott Community College; and $10,491 for the Keys for Success program at Walcott Elementary School. The SCRA received 166 requests for a total of over $5.1 million, and pared the list to $2,407,021. Since 1991, the SCRA - which distributes revenue from the Bettendorf-based Isle of Capri Riverboat - has awarded more than $37 million for the benefit of the Quad Cities community. Applications for the fall 2005 grant cycle Sept. 1, with a deadline to apply of Oct. 1. For more information, visit the Web site: Here's a complete list of the SCRA Spring 2005 grant cycle recipients: click on source to read rest of article.

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