English River Bridge study complete
Mon June 09 2008
Posted Jun 9, 2008
- 16,876
Kalona, IA
By:Ron Slechta
The English River Bridge Structural Analysis has been completed, according to Lyle Moen of the County Engineer's Office and the Trails Program.
The project funded by Washington County Riverboat Foundation, Holy Trinity Church, Shiloh, and Kalona Christian Fellowship employed Steve Bradley, structural engineer, Shive Hattery Consultants, Iowa City, to conduct an inspection of the closed truss English River Bridge.
He has detailed structural analysis of the steel high truss bridge over the English River on Nutmeg Avenue just southeast of Kalona. A proposed recreational trail from Kalona to Richmond would utilize the bridge as a pedestrian trail crossing.
Bradley has completed his detailed inspection and review of the bridge and has provided his written final report.
The report confirms what was already known as to the fact that the bridge is not capable of being used for motor vehicle traffic.
The report does provide several options to be considered for use as a pedestrian trail bridge, with the options including strengthening of several tension members, a new deck, and the required handrails that would meet federal guidelines. A future trails meeting will determine if the bridge is to be proposed as a trail crossing.
The final project report will be prepared and submitted to the Washington County Riverboat Foundation and the Trails committee shortly.
Recreational Trail Signage Project was funded by the Washington County Riverboat Foundation, and In-Kind matching funds.
Moen has prepared a map of trail signage for the designated routes outlined from the Trails Master Plan, reviewed with Adrian Holmes, Engineer, Shoemaker-Haaland (firm who did the Master Plan), and Moen has ordered the signage from Iowa Prison Industries, Anamosa, (where the county Secondary Roads Dept. orders all there highway signs).
Signage shipment is yet to be received. Sign installation will occur this summer. The purpose of the signage project is to provide safer recreational activities on the designated trail routes utilizing existing paved roadways.
Also, special a unique Washington County Trails logo is being designed with final details being worked out, according to Moen.
The Trail Construction from Marr Park to Ainsworth has received funding from Washington County Riverboat Foundation & Regional Transportation Enhancement Funding. WCRF has earmarked $150,000 and the balance of funding won't be available until 2010.
Transportation Enhancement funding may not be available until 2012, unless some other projects get delayed and funds are freed up, Moen said.
A Trails meeting will be held shortly to determine if preliminary survey and design work will begin now in preparation for construction later.
The Vine Avenue Trails; (located on Vine Avenue - Old Hwy 218, from Highway 22 north to Washington/Johnson County Line) has received a Washington County Riverboat Foundation grant of $100,000. The City of Riverside has pledged about 26% of the project costs. Washington County is to pay about 60% of the concrete overlay project to be let in June by Washington County Secondary Roads.
This is a concrete overlay project to resurface existing Vine Avenue as the surface is deteriorating. WCRF is funding 14% of the project.
Paved shoulders will be included for recreational trails. The project is to be constructed in 2008;
The Trail Construction from Lake Darling State Park to the City of Brighton has been partially funded by the Washington County Riverboat Foundation. This is a proposed new trail, with construction within the Highway right of way of 18 & 78.
A grant application is to be written and submitted by July 1 to the Iowa State Recreational Trails Program Funding for a grant of $100,000. The signs will be in the highway right of way. Grant applications have also been submitted to the Iowa State Recreational Trails program and the Federal Recreational Trails Program until later. Grant applications will be submitted in October with funding not available until 2012.
Grant application to be written and submitted by October 1st to the Federal Recreational Trails Program Funding;
It is anticipated at this time that the earliest funding for trail construction would not be available until 2012.
As always, the Trails committee is requested to submit comments, input, suggestions involving trails, said Moen of the Washington County Recreational Trails Committee.
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