Beaverdale plan a model for other neighborhoods
Sat September 19 2009
Posted Sep 19, 2009
- 8,785
Des Moines, IA
Des Moines' new bicycle-friendly streets policy that has
stirred controversy on Ingersoll Avenue may be tested next
in the Beaverdale neighborhood on the city's northwest
side. It would be a good case history in how improving the
appearance of streets, and how they are used, can have a
visible impact on a neighborhood.
Des Moines is striving to make travel as safe and
convenient for pedestrians and bicycles as by car with a
new "complete streets" policy. Some neighbors and
businesses objected to the concept on Ingersoll Avenue west
of downtown, but the city is pressing ahead.
Beaverdale may be next.
Neighborhood leaders and businesses are collaborating with
the city on a plan for improving the major streets that
bisect the area. In addition to softening the look of
pavement and parking lots with decorative lighting,
planters, banners and street furniture, the goal is to
better accommodate all modes of transportation. That
includes automobiles, bicycles, pedestrians, the
handicapped and parents pushing strollers.
The focal point of the streetscape change would be in the
heart of the Beaverdale business district south of
Urbandale Avenue, where Beaver Avenue narrows to two lanes
with on-street parallel parking. This would be enhanced by
sidewalk bump-outs that project into parking, street trees,
planters, benches, banners and public art. The effect would
be to invite drivers to stop, get out of their cars and do
some window shopping.
Street improvements extending along the 1.5-mile-long
Beaver Avenue corridor would be a test of the complete
streets policy. Beaverdale is already a bike- and
pedestrian-friendly neighborhood, but the $3.5 million
streetscape plan under consideration by the city would take
it to a new level.
The Beaverdale plan calls for "traffic calming" devices,
such as narrowing four-lane streets to two traffic lanes
separated by a turning lane, with a lane dedicated to
Likely the most controversial proposal is for
a "roundabout" at the intersection of Beaver and Urbandale
Avenues. This would transform the existing intersection
into a 150-foot-diameter traffic circle with no traffic
signals. Vehicles would enter and move counter-clockwise
around the circle, with the option of turning right onto
intersecting streets.
Roundabouts are common in many European cities and in
Washington, D.C., but they have only recently been showing
up in this country. Driving through a roundabout takes some
getting used to, but it quickly becomes second nature.
The roundabout, as envisioned by the Genus landscape
architecture firm, would serve two purposes: One, it would
address a confusing and dangerous intersection, where
traffic from four directions converges and left turns are a
challenge because Beaver crosses Urbandale at an odd angle.
Two, the circle could serve as a dramatic centerpiece in
the heart of Beaverdale.
Members of the city's Urban Design Review Board, made up of
architects and citizens, were mostly enthusiastic about the
idea when it was presented this week, but they had some
questions. Would it impede traffic wanting to move quickly
through the intersection? Would pedestrians have problems
navigating the circle? Those are the same questions the
public will have, although a consulting traffic engineer
said roundabouts improve traffic flow and safety, and
architect Brett Douglas said Beaverdale businesses are
excited about the idea.
Beaverdale has long enjoyed a unique sense of identity and
a consistently solid residential and commercial economy.
This plan promises to enhance those assets, and it could be
a model for other neighborhoods in greater Des Moines.
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