
Nick, a native of Des Moines, Iowa, started his competitive cycling career in 2001 at age 13 when he raced with a local junior team and nearly made the podium in his first Junior National Road Race. "Coming from Iowa, every training ride was a time trial," says Nick of the gusty winds and terrain of his home state, which ultimately prepared him to excel.

Nick Frey
was an avid road racer who was attending Princeton University when he decided to build a race bike using bamboo as the main frame material. The engineering student eventually worked the project into a graduate study program. Frey raced the prototype, and while he freely admits that the prototype was a flexible pile of good looking bicycle, the concept was encouraging enough that Frey continued to improve upon bamboo building techniques until he was satisfied he had a competitive race bike. When pressed by interested customers, Frey began making custom bamboo frames for sale.

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