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 Events BRR- Bike Ride to Rippey 2761012/2/2013Culture, Other, Party, Recreation, Team/Club, TourismBIKEIOWA, Brian Duffy, Fundraiser Perry, Rippey...X
 Features BRR Ride 2013 926641/7/2013Charity, Party, RecreationBrian Duffy, FundraiserRaccoon River Valley TrailPerry, Rippey...X
 Events BRR- Bike Ride to Rippey 3131912/4/2012Culture, Other, Party, Recreation, Team/Club, TourismBIKEIOWA, Brian Duffy, Des Moines Bicycle Summit, Facebook, Fundraiser, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Iowa Bicycle Summit Perry, Rippey...X
 News Barney of the Bike Trail 206797/12/2012Advocacy, TrailsBicycle Laws, Brian Duffy, Police, Sponsor, Tshirt GraphixHigh Trestle TrailAnkeny, Madrid, Polk City, Sheldahl, Slater, Woodward...X
 News Brian Duffy-designed RRVT cycling jersey -- now available 1520811/29/2010Other, TrailsBrian Duffy, Raccoon River Valley Trail (RRVT)  ...X
 News Cyclist death triggers internet debate 93377/14/2010CultureBrian Duffy, Killed  ...X
 News Bike To Work with Duffy: Take #1 87015/23/2010CultureBike to Work, Brian Duffy  ...X
 News MR. BIKEIOWA from the Duffy Blog 89405/9/2010OtherBIKEIOWA, Brian Duffy  ...X
 Features Duffy draws it - we all think it! 93458/30/2009CultureBrian Duffy  ...X
 News KCCI To Feature Cartoonist Brian Duffy 161475/4/2009OtherBrian Duffy Clarion...X
 News Duffy and Sherman on the Bradshaw Radio Show 110484/21/2009CultureBrian Duffy, Google Des Moines...X
 News Duffy designs Livestrong Cancer shirt 166663/22/2009Charity, CultureBrian Duffy, Livestrong Des Moines...X
 News Welcome Duffy 1759112/18/2008Culture, OtherBrian Duffy, Cityview Des Moines...X
 News Duffy speaks out on Register layoffs 1722212/9/2008CultureBrian Duffy, Des Moines Register, RAGBRAI Des Moines...X
 Features A real RAGBRAI route preview 103856/9/2008Culture, RecreationBrian Duffy, RAGBRAI  ...X
 News Brian Duffy to Speak at Monday night DMCC Open Meeting 104623/18/2008Culture, Team/ClubBrian Duffy, Des Moines Cycle Club (DMCC), RAGBRAI  ...X
 News Duffy's Iowa caucus perspectives 83686/11/2007CultureBIKEIOWA, Brian Duffy, RAGBRAI  ...X
 Features Brian Duffy's Sunday cartoon on May 15th 84875/15/2005 Brian Duffy  ...X
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