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 Events RIVAL GAME RELAY 182584/21/2016Charity, Destination, Party, Race, Road, Road (Competitive), Team/Club, Trails, Training/Fitness, Tri/Multi-Sport24 hour, Hawks Cyclones, Night Race, Race Across America (RAAM), Relay For Life, Road RaceHeart of Iowa Nature TrailAmes, Brooklyn, Cambridge, Collins, Coralville, Grinnell, Huxley, Iowa City, Maxwell, Newton, North Liberty, Victor...X
 Events Marshmallo XXVIII 258693/24/2013Recreation, RoadBicycle Friendly, Bicycle Safety, Bicycles, Bike Lanes and Routes, Bikes To You, Central Iowa Trails, Century, Commuting, Complete Streets, Facebook, farm-to-market road, Friends of Central Iowa Trails, Fundraiser, Google, Hawks Cyclones, Health and Fitness, Healthy Habits Bicycles and Nutrition, Helmet, Iowa, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT), Iowa State University, Iowa Valley Bicycle Club, League of American Bicyclist (LAB), Raccoon River Valley Trail (RRVT), RAGBRAI, Rails to Trails, Rassy's Bike Shop, Recreation, Ride Right, Route, rural Iowa, SAG, Skunk River Cycles, Team BIKEIOWA, Team Cow, TOMRV, Travel Iowa, University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa, Volunteer, YMCAAmerican Discovery Trail, Chichaqua Valley Trail, Linn Creek Greenbelt ParkwayBaxter, Bondurant, Ira, Marshalltown, Melbourne, Mingo, Valeria...X
 Events IA vs. IA State Game /Pre & Post-Game Ride 83288/31/2012DestinationHawks CyclonesIowa City Metro Area TrailsCoralville, Iowa City, North Liberty...X
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